
Tapered Closures - GPN 600

The GPN 600 tapered closures can be used universally as a plug or cap and are suitable for closing off bore holes and internal threads, or to protect bolts and external threads. The conical design is ideal for accommodating tolerances.

  • Tapered closures for internal and external protection
  • Two sustainable variants made from post-consumer recyclate available
more advantages


Drawing taper locks - GPN 600
mm inch
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Indoor application
Outdoor application
Indoor application
Order no.
GPN 600 B 336 PCR-PE, blue 1.575 1.323 1.417 1.339 1.244 0.551 0.551 6000336RB61
GPN 600 B 345 PCR-PE, blue 1.614 1.358 1.457 1.378 1.283 0.551 0.551 6000345RB61
GPN 600 B 81 PCR-PE, blue 0.433 0.319 0.362 0.307 0.26 0.276 0.283 6000081RB61
GPN 600 B 98 PCR-PE, blue 0.472 0.386 0.433 0.378 0.331 0.276 0.283 6000098RB61
GPN 600 B 106 PCR-PE, blue 0.551 0.417 0.457 0.394 0.346 0.272 0.276 6000106RB61
GPN 600 B 114 PCR-PE, blue 0.591 0.449 0.488 0.441 0.394 0.268 0.276 6000114RB61
GPN 600 B 133 PCR-PE, blue 0.63 0.524 0.567 0.504 0.457 0.268 0.276 6000133RB61
GPN 600 B 140 PCR-PE, blue 0.669 0.551 0.594 0.535 0.488 0.272 0.283 6000140RB61
GPN 600 B 146 PCR-PE, blue 0.709 0.575 0.614 0.571 0.524 0.272 0.283 6000146RB61
GPN 600 B 153 PCR-PE, blue 0.709 0.602 0.646 0.583 0.535 0.276 0.276 6000153RB61
GPN 600 B 160 PCR-PE, blue 0.787 0.63 0.681 0.638 0.575 0.346 0.354 6000160RB61
GPN 600 B 174 PCR-PE, blue 0.827 0.685 0.74 0.709 0.646 0.346 0.362 6000174RB61
GPN 600 B 182 PCR-PE, blue 0.866 0.717 0.772 0.74 0.681 0.346 0.354 6000182RB61
GPN 600 B 187 PCR-PE, blue 0.945 0.736 0.787 0.748 0.697 0.343 0.362 6000187RB61
GPN 600 B 198 PCR-PE, blue 0.945 0.78 0.835 0.776 0.72 0.346 0.346 6000198RB61
GPN 600 B 203 PCR-PE, blue 0.984 0.799 0.89 0.819 0.724 0.543 0.551 6000203RB61
GPN 600 B 212 PCR-PE, blue 1.024 0.835 0.917 0.866 0.772 0.551 0.559 6000212RB61
GPN 600 B 230 PCR-PE, blue 1.102 0.906 0.984 0.945 0.85 0.543 0.551 6000230RB61
GPN 600 B 243 PCR-PE, blue 1.181 0.957 1.039 0.984 0.89 0.535 0.551 6000243RB61
GPN 600 B 257 PCR-PE, blue 1.181 1.012 1.094 1.055 0.961 0.543 0.559 6000257RB61
GPN 600 B 272 PCR-PE, blue 1.26 1.071 1.154 1.063 0.969 0.543 0.551 6000272RB61
GPN 600 B 300 PCR-PE, blue 1.378 1.181 1.26 1.205 1.118 0.543 0.551 6000300RB61
GPN 600 B 320 PCR-PE, blue 1.496 1.26 1.339 1.26 1.165 0.551 0.551 6000320RB61
GPN 600 B 355 PCR-PE, blue 1.654 1.398 1.5 1.398 1.303 0.551 0.551 6000355RB61
GPN 600 B 360 PCR-PE, blue 1.654 1.425 1.512 1.417 1.323 0.551 0.551 6000360RB61
GPN 600 B 379 PCR-PE, blue 1.732 1.492 1.575 1.496 1.402 0.543 0.543 6000379RB61
GPN 600 B 385 PCR-PE, blue 1.693 1.516 1.614 1.555 1.461 0.551 0.551 6000385RB61
GPN 600 B 398 PCR-PE, blue 1.811 1.567 1.654 1.555 1.461 0.551 0.551 6000398RB61
GPN 600 B 413 PCR-PE, blue 1.85 1.626 1.713 1.634 1.539 0.551 0.551 6000413RB61
GPN 600 B 439 PCR-PE, blue 2.028 1.728 1.811 1.654 1.583 0.535 0.531 6000439RB61
GPN 600 B 455 PCR-PE, blue 2.047 1.791 1.87 1.772 1.693 0.535 0.531 6000455RB61
GPN 600 B 479 PCR-PE, blue 2.126 1.886 1.969 1.831 1.736 0.535 0.531 6000479RB61
GPN 600 B 498 PCR-PE, blue 2.205 1.961 2.031 1.909 1.815 0.531 0.524 6000498RB61
GPN 600 B 505 PCR-PE, blue 2.165 1.988 2.098 2.02 1.921 0.559 0.551 6000505RB61
GPN 600 B 525 PCR-PE, blue 2.283 2.067 2.161 2.067 1.992 0.531 0.531 6000525RB61
GPN 600 B 545 PCR-PE, blue 2.362 2.146 2.213 2.126 2.031 0.531 0.531 6000545RB61
GPN 600 B 555 PCR-PE, blue 2.402 2.185 2.283 2.165 2.071 0.531 0.535 6000555RB61
GPN 600 B 570 PCR-PE, blue 2.48 2.244 2.323 2.236 2.146 0.531 0.528 6000570RB61
GPN 600 B 585 PCR-PE, blue 2.52 2.303 2.394 2.283 2.189 0.531 0.531 6000585RB61
GPN 600 B 605 PCR-PE, blue 2.598 2.382 2.48 2.362 2.268 0.551 0.531 6000605RB61
GPN 600 B 613 PCR-PE, blue 2.638 2.413 2.5 2.402 2.307 0.531 0.512 6000613RB61
GPN 600 B 625 PCR-PE, blue 2.677 2.461 2.551 2.441 2.346 0.531 0.52 6000625RB61
GPN 600 B 635 PCR-PE, blue 2.717 2.5 2.587 2.48 2.366 0.531 0.512 6000635RB61
GPN 600 B 650 PCR-PE, blue 2.795 2.559 2.65 2.539 2.453 0.524 0.512 6000650RB61
GPN 600 B 660 PCR-PE, blue 2.835 2.598 2.657 2.559 2.465 0.512 0.512 6000660RB61
GPN 600 B 679 PCR-PE, blue 2.874 2.673 2.736 2.598 2.543 0.531 0.504 6000679RB61
GPN 600 B 698 PCR-PE, blue 2.953 2.748 2.823 2.677 2.598 0.531 0.512 6000698RB61
GPN 600 B 715 PCR-PE, blue 3.031 2.815 2.89 2.756 2.661 0.512 0.512 6000715RB61
GPN 600 B 728 PCR-PE, blue 3.11 2.866 2.913 2.756 2.661 0.531 0.512 6000728RB61
GPN 600 B 740 PCR-PE, blue 3.346 2.913 3.016 2.874 2.752 0.669 0.669 6000740RB61
GPN 600 B 765 PCR-PE, blue 3.425 3.012 3.11 3.012 2.89 0.677 0.661 6000765RB61
GPN 600 B 775 PCR-PE, blue 3.465 3.051 3.15 2.992 2.87 0.677 0.669 6000775RB61
GPN 600 B 790 PCR-PE, blue 3.543 3.11 3.228 3.071 2.969 0.677 0.669 6000790RB61
GPN 600 B 815 PCR-PE, blue 3.622 3.209 3.291 3.15 3.028 0.669 0.65 6000815RB61
GPN 600 B 820 PCR-PE, blue 3.504 3.228 3.386 3.303 3.138 0.925 0.906 6000820RB61
GPN 600 B 840 PCR-PE, blue 3.74 3.307 3.429 3.268 3.146 0.669 0.65 6000840RB61
GPN 600 B 865 PCR-PE, blue 3.819 3.406 3.504 3.386 3.264 0.709 0.689 6000865RB61
GPN 600 B 890 PCR-PE, blue 3.937 3.504 3.602 3.504 3.406 0.689 0.669 6000890RB61

Dimensions in mm

Information on materials, colours, drawings and use of our articles can be found on pages 166/167.

Application guide

mm inch
for metric threads
Outdoor application Fine thread
MF outdoor
External application Standard thread
Outdoor application Pipe thread
Internal application fine threads
Internal application Pipe thread
GPN 600 B 336 PCR-PE, blue M 32 x 1 M 32 x 1,5 M 32 x 2 M 32 x 3 M 36 x 1 M 36 x 1,5 M 37 x 2 M 38 x 3 M 39 G 1 1/8
GPN 600 B 345 PCR-PE, blue M 33 x 1 M 33 x 1,5 M 33 x 2 M 33 x 3 M 33 G 1 M 37 x 1 M 37 x 1,5 M 38 x 2 M 39 x 3 M 40 x 4
GPN 600 B 81 PCR-PE, blue M 7 M 10 x 1 M 10 G 1/8
GPN 600 B 98 PCR-PE, blue M 9 x 1 M 9 M 12 x 1,5 M 12
GPN 600 B 106 PCR-PE, blue M 12 x 1
GPN 600 B 114 PCR-PE, blue M 10,5 x 1 M 14 G 1/4
GPN 600 B 133 PCR-PE, blue M 12 x 1 M 12 x 1,5 M 12 M 15 x 1 M 16
GPN 600 B 140 PCR-PE, blue M 13 x 1 M 13 x 1,5
GPN 600 B 146 PCR-PE, blue M 14 x 1 M 14 x 1,5 M 14 M 18 G 3/8
GPN 600 B 153 PCR-PE, blue M 17 x 1 M 18 x 2
GPN 600 B 160 PCR-PE, blue M 15 x 1 M 15 x 1,5
GPN 600 B 174 PCR-PE, blue M 17 x 1 M 20 x 1,5 M 20 x 2
GPN 600 B 182 PCR-PE, blue M 18 x 1 M 18 x 1,5 M 18 x 2 M 18 M 20 x 1 G 1/2
GPN 600 B 187 PCR-PE, blue M 22
GPN 600 B 198 PCR-PE, blue M 22 x 1,5 M 24 G 5/8
GPN 600 B 203 PCR-PE, blue M 19 x 1 M 19 x 1,5 M 19 x 2 M 24 x 2
GPN 600 B 212 PCR-PE, blue G 1/2 M 24 x 1,5
GPN 600 B 230 PCR-PE, blue M 22 x 1 M 22 x 1,5 M 22 x 2 M 22 M 26 x 1,5 M 26 x 2 M 27 G 3/4
GPN 600 B 243 PCR-PE, blue M 24 x 1 M 24 x 1,5 M 24 x 2 M 24 M 27 x 1 M 27 x 1,5 M 28 x 2
GPN 600 B 257 PCR-PE, blue M 25 x 1 M 25 x 1,5 M 25 x 2 M 28 x 1 M 28 x 1,5 M 30 x 3 M 30
GPN 600 B 272 PCR-PE, blue M 26 x 1 M 26 x 1,5 M 26 x 2 M 30 x 1,5 M 30 x 2 M 32 x 3 G 7/8
GPN 600 B 300 PCR-PE, blue M 32 x 1 M 33 x 1,5 M 33 x 2 M 34 x 3
GPN 600 B 320 PCR-PE, blue M 30 x 1 M 30 x 1,5 M 30 x 2 M 30 x 3 M 30 G 7/8 M 34 x 1 M 35 x 1,5 M 35 x 2 M 36 x 3
GPN 600 B 355 PCR-PE, blue M 34 x 1 M 34 x 1,5 M 34 x 2 M 34 x 3 M 38 x 1 M 38 x 1,5 M 39 x 2 M 40 x 3 M 42
GPN 600 B 360 PCR-PE, blue M 35 x 1,5 M 39 x 1,5 M 39 x 2 M 42 x 4 M 42
GPN 600 B 379 PCR-PE, blue M 40 x 1 M 40 x 1,5 M 42 x 2 M 42 x 3 G 1 1/4
GPN 600 B 385 PCR-PE, blue M 38 x 1 M 38 x 1,5 M 38 x 2 M 38 x 3 G 1 1/8 M 42 x 1,5 M 45
GPN 600 B 398 PCR-PE, blue M 38 x 1 M 38 x 1,5 M 38 x 2 M 38 x 3 G 1 1/8 M 42 x 1 M 45 x 3 M 45 x 4
GPN 600 B 413 PCR-PE, blue M 40 x 1 M 40 x 1,5 M 40 x 2 M 40 x 3 M 45 x 2 M 48 G 1 3/8
GPN 600 B 439 PCR-PE, blue M 48 x 3 G 1 1/2
GPN 600 B 455 PCR-PE, blue M 48 x 1 M 48 x 1,5 M 50 x 3 M 52
GPN 600 B 479 PCR-PE, blue M 45 x 1 M 45 x 1,5 M 45 x 2 M 45 x 3 M 45 x 4 M 45 M 50 x 1 M 50 x 1,5 M 52 x 3 G 1 3/4
GPN 600 B 498 PCR-PE, blue G 1 1/2 M 52 x 1 M 55 x 4
GPN 600 B 505 PCR-PE, blue M 50 x 1 M 50 x 1,5 M 50 x 2 M 50 x 3 M 50 x 4 M 55 x 3 M 56 x 4
GPN 600 B 525 PCR-PE, blue M 50 x 1 M 50 x 1,5 M 50 x 2 M 50 x 3 M 50 x 4 M 55 x 1 M 55 x 1,5 M 56 x 2 M 58 x 4 M 60
GPN 600 B 545 PCR-PE, blue M 60 x 4
GPN 600 B 555 PCR-PE, blue G 1 3/4 M 58 x 1 M 58 x 1,5 M 60 x 3 G 2
GPN 600 B 570 PCR-PE, blue M 60 x 1,5 M 60 x 2 M 62 x 4
GPN 600 B 585 PCR-PE, blue M 62 x 2 M 64 x 4
GPN 600 B 605 PCR-PE, blue M 64 x 2 M 65 x 3 M 68
GPN 600 B 613 PCR-PE, blue M 60 x 1 M 60 x 1,5 M 60 x 2 M 60 x 3 M 60 x 4 M 60 G 2 M 64 x 1,5 M 65 x 2 G 2 1/4
GPN 600 B 625 PCR-PE, blue M 64 x 1 M 64 x 4; M 68 x 4
GPN 600 B 635 PCR-PE, blue M 68 x 3
GPN 600 B 650 PCR-PE, blue M 68 x 2
GPN 600 B 660 PCR-PE, blue M 64 x 1 M 64 x 1,5 M 64 x 2 M 64 x 3 M 64 x 4 M 64
GPN 600 B 679 PCR-PE, blue G 2 1/4 M 72 x 3
GPN 600 B 698 PCR-PE, blue
GPN 600 B 715 PCR-PE, blue M 75 x 2 G 2 1/2
GPN 600 B 728 PCR-PE, blue M 76 x 2 M 80 x 6
GPN 600 B 740 PCR-PE, blue M 80 x 4
GPN 600 B 765 PCR-PE, blue M 75 x 1 M 75 x 1,5 M 75 x 2 M 75 x 3 M 75 x 4 G 2 1/2 M 80 x 2
GPN 600 B 775 PCR-PE, blue M 85 x 6 G 2 3/4
GPN 600 B 790 PCR-PE, blue M 85 x 4
GPN 600 B 815 PCR-PE, blue M 78 x 1 M 78 x 1,5 M 78 x 2 M 78 x3 M 78 x 4 M 85 x 2
GPN 600 B 820 PCR-PE, blue G 3
GPN 600 B 840 PCR-PE, blue G 2 3/4 M 90 x 4 M 90 x 6
GPN 600 B 865 PCR-PE, blue M 90 x 2 M 95 x 6
GPN 600 B 890 PCR-PE, blue M 95 x 4 G 3 1/4

*These sizes are supplied with hole.

This application table represents guide values. We will be happy to send you free trial samples. For bolts, pins and tube ends please select according to the functional dimensions D and E.

This application table is a guide. We will be happy to send you free test samples. For openings and bores without threads, please select according to functional dimensions B and C.

Quality advantages

<p><strong>More versatile.</strong></p>

More versatile.

Can be used universally as plug or cap. The tapered design is ideal for accommodating tolerances.


To close off bore holes and internal threads, or to protect studs and external threads.
<p><strong>More resource-saving.</strong></p>

More resource-saving.

The plastic used consists of 100 % recycled material.
Alternative standard series

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Thin Walled Tapered Closures
Virgin material
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