Excellent and certified.

TEKU® plant pots of the initiative PÖPPELMANN blue® are certified with the Blue Angel for the use of recycled plastic.

The RAL Quality Mark indicates the proportion of plastic that comes from the Yellow Bin, Yellow Bag or other household waste collection systems.

The certified TEKU® products are 100 % recyclable in the German Dual Systems and in comparable household waste collection systems in various European countries

Alliance for the recycling economy of the EU Commission. The signatories affirm their support for the objective of the EU Commission to use ten million tons of recycled plastic in new products by the year 2025.

By signing the Global Commitment, Pöppelmann has committed itself, among other things, to significantly increasing the proportion of recycled plastic waste from the collection of recyclable materials for the production of plastic packaging on average by 2025.
Do you have any questions? The Pöppelmann team will be happy to answer them.

Our sales representatives can come straight to your premises. Make an appointment now.

+1 866-886-1556
Monday through Thursday: 8:00 – 17:00 p.m.
Friday: 8:00 – 15:30 p.m.

By e-mail
Twenty-four hours a day. We will get back to you as soon as possible.