STG |Plant supports

Safe assembly

Due to high accuracy fit of the clamping nose the plant supports snap on to the pot rim quickly and securely.
more advantages

Technical data


STG 17

21,3 14,7
Category Colour Certificate
Recyclable Recyclable mossgreen STG 17 Recyclable moss green PMS 2410 11204270505
STG 17

STG 19

23,7 16,3
Category Colour Certificate
Recyclable Recyclable mossgreen STG 19 Recyclable moss green PMS 2410 11217820505
STG 19

STG 19 Z

23,7 16,3
Category Colour Certificate
Recyclable Recyclable mossgreen STG 19 Z Recyclable moss green PMS 2410 11204180506
STG 19 Z

STG 15 D

17,3 8,9
Category Colour Certificate
mossgreen STG 15 D mossgreen, bulk 112807405042
STG 15 D

STG 16,5 D

20 9,5
Category Colour Certificate
mossgreen STG 16.5 D mossgreen, bulk 11280710504
STG 16,5 D

STG 19 D

22,4 11,1
Category Colour Certificate
mossgreen STG 19 D mossgreen, bulk 11280640504
STG 19 D

STG 21 D

24,8 14,4
Category Colour Certificate
mossgreen STG 21 D mossgreen, bulk 11280900504
STG 21 D

STG 24 D

28 15,7
Category Colour Certificate
mossgreen STG 24 D mossgreen, bulk 11280920504
STG 24 D

STG 26 D

30 16,8
Category Colour Certificate
mossgreen STG 26 D mossgreen, bulk 11280910504
STG 26 D

Z: Special version

D: Low version



STG 17

75 44 3,300 3,300

STG 19

75 36 2,700 2,700

STG 19 Z

75 36 2,700 2,700

STG 15 D

76 78 5,928 5,928

STG 16,5 D

54 60 3,240 3,240

STG 19 D

48 72 3,456 3,456

STG 21 D

44 57 2,508 2,508

STG 24 D

44 42 1,848 1,848

STG 26 D

44 36 1,584 1,584

Z: Special version

D: Low version


Alternative product series

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Round pots 5°
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Container 5°


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Pöppelmann TEKU®