
Covers - GPN 910

The GPN 910 covers close housing apertures and stud holes and are particularly well suited for openings in thin sheets. The flat head saves space.

  • Covers for internal protection
  • Two sustainable variants made from post-consumer recyclate available
more advantages


Drawing cover - GPN 910
Technical data sheet
View prices and conditions directly online here and order even more easily.
Order no.
GPN 910 / 3280 PE-LLD, black 12 1 16 12,3 3 5 91032800000
GPN 910 / 2179 PE-LLD, black 15 1 18 15,4 4 5 91021790000
GPN 910 / 3759 PE-LLD, black 17,3 1 20 17,6 4 6 91037590000
GPN 910 / 2967 PE-LLD, black 20 1 35 20,5 5 7,5 91029670000
GPN 910 / 0766 PE-LLD, black 20,5 1 25 21,1 2,5 4 91007660000
GPN 910 / 4015 PE-LLDPE-LLD, black 25 1,5 28 26 4 6,2 91040150000
GPN 910 / 3040 PE-LLD, black 25,5 1 38 26 5,3 7,4 91030400000
GPN 910 / 3043 PE-LLDPE-LLD, black 26,3 2,3 38 27 7,5 9,5 91030430000
GPN 910 / 0763 PE-LLD, black 26,5 1,5 38 27 4,3 6,3 91007630000
GPN 910 / 3790 PE-LLD, black 33 1,5 36 33,5 4 6 91037900000
GPN 910 / 5539 PE-LLD, black 36 2 53 36,5 5 7 91055390000
GPN 910 / 3205 PE-LLD, black 39,5 0,9 50 40 4 6 91032050000
GPN 910 / 4010 PE-LLD, black 39,7 0,8 50 40,4 2,4 4,2 91040100000
GPN 910 / 3097 PE-LLD, black 50 1 55 50,6 4 6 91030970000
GPN 910 / 0715 PE-LLD, black 53 1,5 62 53,8 4 6 91007150000
GPN 910 / 3044 PE-LLDPE-LLD, black 60,8 2,2 66 61,5 7,8 9,8 91030440000
GPN 910 / 0714 PE-LLD, black 61 1,5 68 62 4 5,8 91007140000
GPN 910 / 3791 PE-LLD, black 64 1,5 85 64,6 4,1 6,1 91037910000
GPN 910 / 2713 PE-LLD, black 71 1,5 76 71,5 5 7,5 91027130000
GPN 910 / 3042 PE-LLD, black 72 3 90 72,8 7,5 9,5 91030420000
GPN 910 / 3223 PE-LLD, black 74,5 1,5 83 75 8 10 91032230000
GPN 910 / 3222 PE-LLD, black 81,5 1,5 90 82 8 10 91032220000
GPN 910 / 3277 PE-LLDPE-LLD, black 92 3 103 93 7,7 9,7 91032770000
GPN 910 / 4395 PE-LLDPE-LLD, black 100 2 109 101 5 7 91043950000

Dimensions in mm. 

Information on materials, colours, designs and use of our products can be found on the website and in chapter 3´ Materials and application´.

Quality advantages



Flat design, ideal for closing apertures in cover panels.
Alternative standard series

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Closure Plugs
100% Post-Consumer Recyclate
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Virgin material
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